Wednesday, September 14, 2016

So Much

Work, Home, Friends, Family, Kids, Play.

All these things make up a day, a week, a month.  Its crazy the time we spend doing things.  I mean all of us.  We all have the same hours in a day.  Tonight you should look back at your day and ask yourself what did you spend time on today.  Was it worth it?  Did you do something for yourself?  Did you do something for someone else?  Did you waste your day away not learning anything?  Did you learn something that you can take with you to another day?  Did you make sure you showed love?  Did you hurt someone?  What did you do?  Think about it.  We all have the same time in a day.  Did you sue yours wisely?

These are just some of Biggers thoughts.

Secondly I just want to say I am trying.   I am trying so hard.  I hope I can continue.  But it is so tempting.  I guess time will tell.  But it would be so easy.  Like its just there for me.  At any point in time.  Just there for the grabbing.  Stay strong Bigger Stay Strong.

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