Monday, June 27, 2016

What am I?

I think about my life and wonder what exactly am I?  I think about my friends and the people I associate with and wonder.  What am I?  How do I fit into this social thing of life?

Just last week I went and had a business conversation with a Dr.  I also hung out with a hot school principal.  At the same event I spoke with a county commissioner.

I am always around Dr.s, know some real good lawyers, business owners and I am asked opinions from these people on things that I would think they might would know.  My opinion seems to matter to these people on certain things.  I brush it off as them asking the lower class opinions on matters but I don't think that is the case.

Where do I fit in?  I have half or less of the education of most of these people.  But yet I am invited to things.  I am treated like one of them.  I am talked to like I am of the same class as them though I feel mush lower.  I just sit back and think.  What in the world?

Then I think about my poker life.  I have played with millionaires.  I am so far form a millionaire that it is pure funny.  I have played with guys that are spending there last dollar trying to win more money. Between poker and my social life I have a wide array of knowing people in all areas.  How did this happen?  Is this normal?  Do others know people as I do?  I mean do you ever just go out and have a beer with a Dr?  Or a lawyer?  Or a poker bum?  Do you get called to take trips to Vegas?  Do people call you to ask questions?  Just confusing to me because I still consider myself to be redneck trailer trash.

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