Saturday, October 9, 2010

The post I didnt want to make.


It happens to all of us. We will all die. You may believe different things about what happens when we go but the real deal is that we all die. I have had many fiends and family die. I'm sure we all have. Today I am going to talk about one person in particular. His name was Jerry. Jerry was a good friend, thru family I think he would be my great cousin. He lived in Florida for a long time and then returned to NC almost 10 years ago. We talked occasionally he would help me and I would help him. If I ever needed some one I new I could call on him, even though I seldom did. I remember when I heard he had cancer. I thought well if any one has ever survived this it will be Jerry. He was a tuff fucker. He was full of stories of his past. I always enjoyed a good Jerry story. He loved to tinker on cars and use to be a plane mechanic in Florida. I was told by my father that Jerry had called him and said that when they opened him up they just shut him back and said there is nothing we can do. I still was in denial. But I was scared to go see him because what do you say. My wife and father said you need to go see Jerry but I didn't. Finally when I felt like I had waited long enough I went and saw him. He was very frail and in pain. I remember he looked like my Wife's grandma did before she passed. Now looking back I should have been there while he could still do stuff instead of waiting on him being bed ridding. Jerry passed this morning about 5:00 eastern time. The last time I really talked and hung out with Jerry was before he found out about the cancer. At this time he told me a story about my great grand ma. My dads, moms, mom. If you can follow. He was there that night she passed, him and his sister. My great grandma was very ill. She told Jerry she wanted to hear the song about the bird. If I remember correctly she passed during this song. So even though Jerry never said anything about this song to me other that the story about my great grandma I feel this is the best thing I can do for him. I'm sure he liked this song. Jerry once told me only the good die young. If that is the case I wish he would have sinned a little more. This is my GoodBye. Jerry you will be greatly missed. But carry on I'm sure we will meet up in the future.


  1. That's a tough one . . . a friend, an almost cousin dying. The older you get the more friends you lose . . . heck, used to be we'd be invited to shitloads of weddings. Then the shitload of wedding invitations turned into baby showers or celebrations over baptisim. Now it's funerals. Ain't no more fun. Lost three of four best friends. Lost three former girl friends. Mom, dad...gone, too.

    Guess I'm next. What a wonderful thought that it.....know what? There's a lot more life left in this old boy. "cause I'm next doesn't mean right here and now. It's way down the line.

    Wonder what song I'll ask for.....

    I'm sorry for your loss, Bigger.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sounds like he was a pretty special guy.
    Hugs to you my friend.

  3. You doing ok? I've been thinking about you.
