Friday, July 28, 2017


I am just sitting here with plenty to do and absolutly no motivation to do anything.  Hope I get some before I get home.  Things are great though.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


I have had to realize that life will not be the way I want it to be.  At this rate I will never be what I want to be.  Every avenue just closes.  makes me not even want to try.

Friday, July 14, 2017


I have finally had an accepted offer on a house.  The good thing is it was not a foreclosure so I can sell it quicker. The day of closing I should be there tearing out and cleaning up.  I need to flip this one quick.  I also had my hair cut and beard trimmed yesterday.  after 2 years.  It was nice.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

What a damn time......

Wide open is an understatement.  We are opening another store.  That will be 4 stores.  We also have finally found a few foreclosures.  So I have that going on.  We are also building a new deck at home.  (This deck build will take a while.)  I hope we are about to hire another person to help me.  I still mow pecan trees on Friday nights and drink beer.  Dad told me the other day he was looking into a tractor with a cab and heat and air.  I told him there is no one on that farm that would be more happy than me.  But,  we need a tree shaker and harvester first.  There are so many nuts this year.  If they continue and do not get diesesed or have a storm blow them away things will be great.  Just checking in.