Friday, March 26, 2010

Lets Start Over

Wow has it really been that long since I posted. I have pulled up this page many times and gone blank as to what to write. I am going to try to start again just writing what is on my mind. I don't want to turn this into a bitch blog but will probably do a lot of rants and raves. I have friends but sometimes don't want to bother them with my bitching. So I hold it inside. Holding it inside causes me to have burst of anger. A lot of times my wife is the one to catch my burst. Maybe with me posting on here I can let some of my anger out. My wife and Kids are my most treasured thing so to stop my anger in front of them would be a blessing. Don't get me wrong I am not a physical abuser I don't beat nobody. I just say what is on my mind and a lot of times what is on my mind should not be said.


  1. This is a really good place to let it out. Many times I've just got it out on my blog and it feels so much better. I'm glad you started posting, I almost thought you were done with it all. Find those feelings you have and get them out and stop taking it out on the ones you love. Your life will be so much better for it. I wish you many happinesses in life dude.
